
Chain Abstraction - a vision for Web3 with significantly improved user experience for the next billion crypto users, hiding the chain, bridging, and gas payments away from the end user.

Cake Framework - a framework for chain abstraction that introduces the challenges of the orderflow trilemma and a roadmap for mitigating them.

Cake Working Group - an industry discussion group that hosts events and workshops on all aspects of chain abstraction.

Frontier Research - an independent research and advisory group that publishes research, incubates products, and organizes community events such as cake working group.

OneBalance - a spinoff from Frontier Research with the mandate to build Credible Accounts.

Fellowship of the OneBalance - an industry group united under the common mission to implement the Credible Stack and bring Credible Accounts to Web3.

Credible Stack - an interoperability framework that achieves chain abstraction by distributing credible accounts through community standards.

Credible Accounts - a new account model that extends external accounts, smart accounts, and stateful accounts with the ability to issue resource locks as credible commitments.

Resource Locks - a conditional state transition request issued by credible accounts for execution by solvers on destination chains.

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