
Stage 1: Whitelist

Here users can register, show interest in one Balance, and earn points simply by connecting their wallet and referring their friends.

Stage 2: Transaction capabilities

At this stage we allow users to do near-instantaneous swaps and transfers within EVM space using the OneBalance Account without the worry of the chain, bridging, or the need for the native tokens across chains to pay for the gas.

Stage 3: Beyond EVM

At this stage, we expand the supported chains and tap into the cross-chain capabilities beyond the EVM ecosystem.

Stage 4: Permission management

Having granular control over the account is extremely important for the UX and security - that allows the use of applications in web3 space in a web2-like manner, without the need in constant signing and fragmented UX.

At this stage we allow users to manage the permissions across different applications in web3 space effectively, we allow different recovery and sign-in options.

Last updated